Gabriel Project

“Whatever you do to the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, even the least of them, this you do unto me.” - Matthew 25:40

Our Mission

The Gabriel Project is a Christian, church-based outreach offering immediate and practical help to women and families facing an unplanned pregnancy. The Gabriel Project, at the woman’s initiation, establishes a personal relationship with her that offers physical, spiritual, and emotional support, for as long as she wants it, usually until about 6 months after the baby’s birth. The Gabriel Project does not charge for nit’s services and does not discriminate in providing services because of race, creed, color, national origin, age, marital status, or religious affiliation.

I Need Help!

You’re pregnant. Maybe feeling alone, frightened, and

overwhelmed by new challenges. You are NOT alone….

The Gabriel Project is here to help.

Call us at 216-372-1375

Anytime 24/7, 365!

The members of our church community care about

you and want to help.

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